Chatting With Cat

Encouraging you through video,pictures and words to live a full and happy life, filled with love and joy.

Monday, February 27, 2017

The C word Cancer

Why do the sweet people die so young? I now have 3 people in my circle of friends who have cancer.
One ,the youngest has passed. She had such a beautiful spirit and so much life yet to live. But now she is gone.
Cancer is a horrible sickness. The treatment can be even more horrible than the illness. I have two friends who are still fighting the good battle. At this point I just refuse to lose another friend. However I know I have no power over life and death but still I can dream of a miracle. Everyday I pray for my friends that they have strength and courage but most of all faith that they can and will get better . I can not begin to understand the feelings they experience, knowing there lives are going to be cut short by this ugly illness.
I would like to give an invite to others who just need a friend to talk with please contact me ,I will be happy to be a listening ear for I have seen first hand what you are going through. So if you have cancer and need someone to encourage you and lift your spirits I am here. You are not alone!!!!  
Much love to all who read this.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

When Negative People Attack

I had made a lovely friend through email on the internet.
We exchanged many a nice email ,at least I thought she was a friend.
We talked about our beliefs and staying in the positive side of life.

  She to was a spirit filed person or so I thought.
One day out of the blue she asked if she could pay my rent for me. I thought that was strange and so I told her no it would make me feel uncomfortable. I certainly did not need any help in that area of my life.  We continued to share emails and talk about life, When once again she insisted  upon helping me financially. I again told her no and she begged saying I would cheat her out of a blessing if I did not allow her to help me. Well I myself pay it forward quite a bit so I told her the only way possible if she she felt that strongly was to send the rent  straight to my landlord.   BIG MISTAKE!!!!!!!!
So I gave her my information of where I live my number and she gave me hers. Also how to contact my landlord which she did and said she was sending a registered letter for 4 months rent to my landlord. So of course my landlord was curious and I told her the story. After 7 days of no mail I contacted her to let her know nothing came and she needed to find out where her check was and put a stop payment on it. I heard nothing back from her so I thought I better call in case she did not see my emails. She instantly hung up on me. That is when I knew she was up to no good.
Why are people so evil? And what can she possibly hope to gain from all this?
Now her and her son are trying to destroy my online reputation. I never asked her for anything but friendship however now she is trying to make it sound like I am the evil one..
It just makes me sad that there are people such as her that  for there own reasons have to bring drama into others lives.
Fortunately for me I have saved all the emails to have proof of our conversations. But i must admit my trust for others is at an all time low. I try so hard to spread joy and uplifting messages and then I become under attack.
I feel very foolish for trusting this woman at all. As far as my rent goes it was paid on time as usual.
Sad things is I thought we had a real connection, it appears this was not the case. So that makes me question my own judgment of others.
But I refuse to let this experience change my message to the world which is be kind and loving to yourself and others even when under attack.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Saying Goodbye

There are times in our lives when someone we love no longer wants to be a part of our lives.
This is the hardest good bye to cope with. What did we do? Why? Can I make it right?
All these thoughts go through our heads. In the end we must accept there choice and move on,but how?
Good Bye, Good Bye | Breathe & Burn We have to understand and accept we may never know the reason or if given a reason by the person saying goodbye even understand it.
Sure we will grieve the loss but in time we must move on and let the person go on with there life and we must move forward with ours.
It does no good to continue to chase after someone who does not want you around. So many make that mistake and find themselves caught in a circle leading no where.
Instead focus on you, one persons opinion of you does not have to become your reality. There is nothing wrong with you, you do not need to feel guilty or ashamed,or the worst somehow think you were not good enough. That person who left your life was just not right for you.
So wish them well and move on to a happy postive future with a few lessons learned along the way.
Sure you will feel lonely and afraid for a short time, this will pass and a new freedom will open up for you. The freedom to be who you truly are warts and all, and guess what? Someone will come along and love everything about you and will come to stay.
Stay focused on you and your life and your dreams and soon you will find the person who walked away is but just a memory and another great lesson in life. So be grateful for the goodbye. It was time and prepared you for a more enriching relationship down the road we call life.
As always I speak these words with love in my heart for my readers.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

We are Body Mind and Soul

Ever feel out of balance? I do sometimes, what is the cause? well I believe its because we have been neglecting one of the three key elements that make up who we are.
 The Mind The Body and The Soul all must stay in balance to live a full and happy life.
 LincolnDisplacementandExile - Displacement of Psychology  We must never cease to learn new things and be curious about the people and world around us. This is how we stay young in our thinking and confident as human beings. Our brains are wonderful  instruments, the biggest and baddest computer known to man. However our brains will become ridged and stale if we do not continue to feed new information into it.
 So I challenge you to take up a new hobby or sport, join and new social circle who are unlike yourself. Learn to see the beauty in difference and expand your mind to keep it happy and healthy.
The BodyGirls with Very Fit Bodies – Barnorama  Now we do not have to be super fit, but we do need to take care of our bodies, after all this is the shell we live in and move around in. Our bodies work night and day for us give back to yourself by doing a little cardio, stretching and toning of your muscles. Do this every day, love your body no matter what shape or size you are we can all do those three things. I know your going to say theirs just not enough time in the day. Yes there is 30 minutes out of your day each day will improve your overall health and you will have more energy and feel more relaxed as you go about your normal routine of life. Remember bodies come in all sizes and shapes and all are beautiful.Could fat actually be fit? Why we need to ditch the dieting myths ...This women can be just as fit as the other women, we are all built different, so love yourself enough to take care of yourself.

Spiritual Gifts"We are all born with special spiritual gifts, most are not aware they have these gifts. Some have the gift of listening,others the gift of encouragement. Most think that only preachers or holy men have gifts of these natures.
Very wrong we all have special gifts that come from above and need to be used to not only enhance your life but the lives of those you encounter. Sit in quietness 10 minutes a day and see how your gifts will begin to naturally come to the forefront of your life.
Body Mind and Soul keep them balanced for a happy and loving life.
As always my words come from a deep love and concern for my fellowman. We are all here on this earth together and one person at a time we can and will make our society better, more loving and compassionate. It starts with YOU!!!!!


Friday, March 4, 2016

To Be A Bully

What do you do when you live with a bully?
When its a daily affair of the bully enjoying hurting and name calling and otherwise trying to make you feel small. YOU LEAVE!!!!!!!!
No bullys | The Way I See It | Pinterest  The bully will not stop he or she are so miserable with there own lives and there lack of success that there anger will not allow them to be nice.
With that being said we must protect ourselves from them and the only way  is to leave for it will eventually turn to violence.
  I live with my aunt and uncle there 40 year old son comes and stays for weeks at a time and I am always his target. His Mom nor his Dad will not stop him.
He is mean to his little brother who is mentally challenged. His has called me a bitch more times than I can count. I don't even speak with him. I must be here until June and then will be moving and taking the child with me. He has threatening to beat me so bad I go to the hospital and his latest threat was to slash my throat.
   Why I became his target I don't know and all I want is to live in peace.
I know its only a matter of time before he hurts me. Thats why I am writing this blog.
I defend the child who can not defend himself and always will.

  His parents know deep down that his behavior is not right but feel know need to intervene. It only takes one person to help stop the bully when he feels know support from others he will not engage in such acts. A bully deep down is a coward!!!! Remember this he can never define your self worth or belittle you into believing his lies.
Know matter who the bully is get AWAY as soon as possible, in my case its my cousin but it could be your husband,friend,uncle,aunt boss, anyone really.
      bully will always be a bully , YOU CAN NOT CHANGE HIM OR HER!!!!!

problems power to overcome promise of hope in all things religion ...   But there can be change for you, become free leave the bully in the dust and open your arms to a beautiful and new world.  I AM!!!!!!
As always thank you and blessings to all who read my blog.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Drinking and Driving

There are hundreds of stories on the devastation caused by someone who chooses to drink and drive.
Make no mistake about it this is a choice.

Drunk Driving: Drunk Driving  My question would be why is this still a problem? Have we not learned anything in the past twenty years or so? Why do some choose to still drink and get behind the wheel of a 4000 pound car, which in the wrong hands is just as bad as a gun!!!!! In fact worse because it looks innocent enough until it plows into you at 90 miles an hour.

We don't have to make this choice. Live to see tomorrow, also let others live to see tomorrow as well.   How do we do this?
1 Call a cab
2Call a friend
3 Use Uber
4 Plan your way home before the evening starts and you start drinking, thus clouding your judgment.

... holiday celebrations end tragically; Buzzed driving is drunk driving    So many people just like you and I will rot away there lives in prison because of one split second of making the wrong choice. Don't be that person.
man_in_prison So many others will die or live impaired lives because you made the wrong choice to drink and drive. They are innocent  victims of your lack of judgment. They are also in prison, just a different kind.
Boy, 3, killed after drunk driving illegal immigrant with no insurance ... His whole life ahead of him, loved by a Mother and Father, aunts,uncles cousins and friends. Now they must visit him in a graveyard, because someone made the wrong choice and chose to drink and drive. Was it worth his life?
Sadis : Rupa Gadis Terkini Selepas Dilanggar Pemandu Mabuk (11 Gambar ... But some don't die. They must learn to leave with a new reality because someone chose to drink and drive. Family forever changed a heartbreak that never goes away. What if? The question that always comes to mind.

If you choose to drink please do not get behind the wheel of a car. Have fun enjoy yourself, but please not at the expenses of yourself, your family or others.
Most everyone has had one to many drinks at some point in there lives, it happens. Know your limits and just don't take that chance.
Happy Drunk Picture Lets have a good time, and not be in jail the next day or the hospital, or the morgue. Certainly lets not put another beautiful living human being there either.
Lets enhance our lives and the lives of others with smart choices where we all can thrive and grow rich with love and grace.

Coping with Grief during the Holidays | Amanda the Panda    Lighting candles for those who we have lost and those whose lives are changed forever.

Many Blessings my dear readers.