Encouraging you through video,pictures and words to live a full and happy life, filled with love and joy.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

When Negative People Attack

I had made a lovely friend through email on the internet.
We exchanged many a nice email ,at least I thought she was a friend.
We talked about our beliefs and staying in the positive side of life.

  She to was a spirit filed person or so I thought.
One day out of the blue she asked if she could pay my rent for me. I thought that was strange and so I told her no it would make me feel uncomfortable. I certainly did not need any help in that area of my life.  We continued to share emails and talk about life, When once again she insisted  upon helping me financially. I again told her no and she begged saying I would cheat her out of a blessing if I did not allow her to help me. Well I myself pay it forward quite a bit so I told her the only way possible if she she felt that strongly was to send the rent  straight to my landlord.   BIG MISTAKE!!!!!!!!
So I gave her my information of where I live my number and she gave me hers. Also how to contact my landlord which she did and said she was sending a registered letter for 4 months rent to my landlord. So of course my landlord was curious and I told her the story. After 7 days of no mail I contacted her to let her know nothing came and she needed to find out where her check was and put a stop payment on it. I heard nothing back from her so I thought I better call in case she did not see my emails. She instantly hung up on me. That is when I knew she was up to no good.
Why are people so evil? And what can she possibly hope to gain from all this?
Now her and her son are trying to destroy my online reputation. I never asked her for anything but friendship however now she is trying to make it sound like I am the evil one..
It just makes me sad that there are people such as her that  for there own reasons have to bring drama into others lives.
Fortunately for me I have saved all the emails to have proof of our conversations. But i must admit my trust for others is at an all time low. I try so hard to spread joy and uplifting messages and then I become under attack.
I feel very foolish for trusting this woman at all. As far as my rent goes it was paid on time as usual.
Sad things is I thought we had a real connection, it appears this was not the case. So that makes me question my own judgment of others.
But I refuse to let this experience change my message to the world which is be kind and loving to yourself and others even when under attack.

1 comment:

  1. wow cat so glad you didnt let that person make you turn against everyone or made you a bitter person. stat beautiful my friend
