Encouraging you through video,pictures and words to live a full and happy life, filled with love and joy.

Monday, February 27, 2017

The C word Cancer

Why do the sweet people die so young? I now have 3 people in my circle of friends who have cancer.
One ,the youngest has passed. She had such a beautiful spirit and so much life yet to live. But now she is gone.
Cancer is a horrible sickness. The treatment can be even more horrible than the illness. I have two friends who are still fighting the good battle. At this point I just refuse to lose another friend. However I know I have no power over life and death but still I can dream of a miracle. Everyday I pray for my friends that they have strength and courage but most of all faith that they can and will get better . I can not begin to understand the feelings they experience, knowing there lives are going to be cut short by this ugly illness.
I would like to give an invite to others who just need a friend to talk with please contact me ,I will be happy to be a listening ear for I have seen first hand what you are going through. So if you have cancer and need someone to encourage you and lift your spirits I am here. You are not alone!!!!
Much love to all who read this.

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