Encouraging you through video,pictures and words to live a full and happy life, filled with love and joy.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Saying Goodbye

There are times in our lives when someone we love no longer wants to be a part of our lives.
This is the hardest good bye to cope with. What did we do? Why? Can I make it right?
All these thoughts go through our heads. In the end we must accept there choice and move on,but how?
Good Bye, Good Bye | Breathe & Burn We have to understand and accept we may never know the reason or if given a reason by the person saying goodbye even understand it.
Sure we will grieve the loss but in time we must move on and let the person go on with there life and we must move forward with ours.
It does no good to continue to chase after someone who does not want you around. So many make that mistake and find themselves caught in a circle leading no where.
Instead focus on you, one persons opinion of you does not have to become your reality. There is nothing wrong with you, you do not need to feel guilty or ashamed,or the worst somehow think you were not good enough. That person who left your life was just not right for you.
So wish them well and move on to a happy postive future with a few lessons learned along the way.
Sure you will feel lonely and afraid for a short time, this will pass and a new freedom will open up for you. The freedom to be who you truly are warts and all, and guess what? Someone will come along and love everything about you and will come to stay.
Stay focused on you and your life and your dreams and soon you will find the person who walked away is but just a memory and another great lesson in life. So be grateful for the goodbye. It was time and prepared you for a more enriching relationship down the road we call life.
As always I speak these words with love in my heart for my readers.

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