Encouraging you through video,pictures and words to live a full and happy life, filled with love and joy.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

We are Body Mind and Soul

Ever feel out of balance? I do sometimes, what is the cause? well I believe its because we have been neglecting one of the three key elements that make up who we are.
 The Mind The Body and The Soul all must stay in balance to live a full and happy life.
 LincolnDisplacementandExile - Displacement of Psychology  We must never cease to learn new things and be curious about the people and world around us. This is how we stay young in our thinking and confident as human beings. Our brains are wonderful  instruments, the biggest and baddest computer known to man. However our brains will become ridged and stale if we do not continue to feed new information into it.
 So I challenge you to take up a new hobby or sport, join and new social circle who are unlike yourself. Learn to see the beauty in difference and expand your mind to keep it happy and healthy.
The BodyGirls with Very Fit Bodies – Barnorama  Now we do not have to be super fit, but we do need to take care of our bodies, after all this is the shell we live in and move around in. Our bodies work night and day for us give back to yourself by doing a little cardio, stretching and toning of your muscles. Do this every day, love your body no matter what shape or size you are we can all do those three things. I know your going to say theirs just not enough time in the day. Yes there is 30 minutes out of your day each day will improve your overall health and you will have more energy and feel more relaxed as you go about your normal routine of life. Remember bodies come in all sizes and shapes and all are beautiful.Could fat actually be fit? Why we need to ditch the dieting myths ...This women can be just as fit as the other women, we are all built different, so love yourself enough to take care of yourself.

Spiritual Gifts"We are all born with special spiritual gifts, most are not aware they have these gifts. Some have the gift of listening,others the gift of encouragement. Most think that only preachers or holy men have gifts of these natures.
Very wrong we all have special gifts that come from above and need to be used to not only enhance your life but the lives of those you encounter. Sit in quietness 10 minutes a day and see how your gifts will begin to naturally come to the forefront of your life.
Body Mind and Soul keep them balanced for a happy and loving life.
As always my words come from a deep love and concern for my fellowman. We are all here on this earth together and one person at a time we can and will make our society better, more loving and compassionate. It starts with YOU!!!!!


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