Encouraging you through video,pictures and words to live a full and happy life, filled with love and joy.

Friday, March 4, 2016

To Be A Bully

What do you do when you live with a bully?
When its a daily affair of the bully enjoying hurting and name calling and otherwise trying to make you feel small. YOU LEAVE!!!!!!!!
No bullys | The Way I See It | Pinterest  The bully will not stop he or she are so miserable with there own lives and there lack of success that there anger will not allow them to be nice.
With that being said we must protect ourselves from them and the only way  is to leave for it will eventually turn to violence.
  I live with my aunt and uncle there 40 year old son comes and stays for weeks at a time and I am always his target. His Mom nor his Dad will not stop him.
He is mean to his little brother who is mentally challenged. His has called me a bitch more times than I can count. I don't even speak with him. I must be here until June and then will be moving and taking the child with me. He has threatening to beat me so bad I go to the hospital and his latest threat was to slash my throat.
   Why I became his target I don't know and all I want is to live in peace.
I know its only a matter of time before he hurts me. Thats why I am writing this blog.
I defend the child who can not defend himself and always will.

  His parents know deep down that his behavior is not right but feel know need to intervene. It only takes one person to help stop the bully when he feels know support from others he will not engage in such acts. A bully deep down is a coward!!!! Remember this he can never define your self worth or belittle you into believing his lies.
Know matter who the bully is get AWAY as soon as possible, in my case its my cousin but it could be your husband,friend,uncle,aunt boss, anyone really.
      bully will always be a bully , YOU CAN NOT CHANGE HIM OR HER!!!!!

problems power to overcome promise of hope in all things religion ...   But there can be change for you, become free leave the bully in the dust and open your arms to a beautiful and new world.  I AM!!!!!!
As always thank you and blessings to all who read my blog.

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