Encouraging you through video,pictures and words to live a full and happy life, filled with love and joy.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Drinking and Driving

There are hundreds of stories on the devastation caused by someone who chooses to drink and drive.
Make no mistake about it this is a choice.

Drunk Driving: Drunk Driving  My question would be why is this still a problem? Have we not learned anything in the past twenty years or so? Why do some choose to still drink and get behind the wheel of a 4000 pound car, which in the wrong hands is just as bad as a gun!!!!! In fact worse because it looks innocent enough until it plows into you at 90 miles an hour.

We don't have to make this choice. Live to see tomorrow, also let others live to see tomorrow as well.   How do we do this?
1 Call a cab
2Call a friend
3 Use Uber
4 Plan your way home before the evening starts and you start drinking, thus clouding your judgment.

... holiday celebrations end tragically; Buzzed driving is drunk driving    So many people just like you and I will rot away there lives in prison because of one split second of making the wrong choice. Don't be that person.
man_in_prison So many others will die or live impaired lives because you made the wrong choice to drink and drive. They are innocent  victims of your lack of judgment. They are also in prison, just a different kind.
Boy, 3, killed after drunk driving illegal immigrant with no insurance ... His whole life ahead of him, loved by a Mother and Father, aunts,uncles cousins and friends. Now they must visit him in a graveyard, because someone made the wrong choice and chose to drink and drive. Was it worth his life?
Sadis : Rupa Gadis Terkini Selepas Dilanggar Pemandu Mabuk (11 Gambar ... But some don't die. They must learn to leave with a new reality because someone chose to drink and drive. Family forever changed a heartbreak that never goes away. What if? The question that always comes to mind.

If you choose to drink please do not get behind the wheel of a car. Have fun enjoy yourself, but please not at the expenses of yourself, your family or others.
Most everyone has had one to many drinks at some point in there lives, it happens. Know your limits and just don't take that chance.
Happy Drunk Picture Lets have a good time, and not be in jail the next day or the hospital, or the morgue. Certainly lets not put another beautiful living human being there either.
Lets enhance our lives and the lives of others with smart choices where we all can thrive and grow rich with love and grace.

Coping with Grief during the Holidays | Amanda the Panda    Lighting candles for those who we have lost and those whose lives are changed forever.

Many Blessings my dear readers.

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