Encouraging you through video,pictures and words to live a full and happy life, filled with love and joy.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Life is like a Rose

A rose beautiful to behold, wonderful to smell just delightful to the touch.........Until you hit a thorn!
 Life is much like a rose both beautiful and tragic at the same time.
I chose the picture of two hands clasping to illustrate the point that we need each other, for the good times as well as the bad.
There is nothing like a good friend full of compassion and understanding when you hit a thorn.
Also what wonderful times we can share with friends when we are enjoying the beauties of life.
                                      Now a friend can be the person you grew up with,someone you just met or even words on a computer screen that in some way touch your heart and soul.
                                       I sincerely  hope that with my blog if you need me you can call me a friend.
Feel free to leave your comments and if you are comfortable share your life experiences. In a way when we do this we are paying it forward, another person may be comforted by your story or you can even spark a thought in their minds that can change there whole life for the better.
                                      Remember we are all in this wonderful world together. Be kind to yourself as well as to others, you don't know what part of the rose they may be holding.
                                            Much love to all my readers!!!!

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