Encouraging you through video,pictures and words to live a full and happy life, filled with love and joy.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

When I'm Hurt

The tragedy of an accident, it can happen to anyone.
In the beginning there is an outpouring of love and concern.
But what happens when the recovery is long and the months begin to go by?

pedestrian accident Many times the one hurt is left to feel depression as friends and family begin to move on with there lives,while the person hurt there life has come to a halt.A person involved in such an accident can become lonely and despair can set in.

 Grief Without Despair: What Seattle Pacific University Students Taught ... My niece while working in Hawaii was crossing the street in a crosswalk when she was hit by a car and thrown 40 feet into the air. She lived but has a 2 year recovery, the bottom half of her body took all the force of the accident.
I have seen firsthand the devastation that an accident like this brings into another life. Fear of will I ever walk again? Endless therapy with an uncertain outcome.
Where she was once very independent she now has to rely on family for her needs. This takes a very large toll on her emotions as well as physical body.
as the first students completed their tributes others came forward We can make a difference in there lives by just spending time with them. Letting them know things will get better and encouraging them that there bodies will heal and life for them will go on. Maybe it will be a new reality that they will adapt to but one that can be just as joyous as  the life they had before the accident.
So take sometime out of your day and reach out to those who are hurting, Both you and them will be better for it.
  My niece Jasmine,

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